Mind Matters: Exploring the Basics of Mental Health with Speakers

Mental health, crucial for overall well-being, often faces stigma hindering open discussion. Yet, untreated issues like anxiety, depression, or PTSD significantly affect daily functioning.

  • Release Date: 28 March 2024
  • Update Date: 18 July 2024
  • Author: Speaker Agency
What Is Mental Health 690X460

Mental health is of course so important for your whole health. But the symptoms are not readily visible. Most people even find it hard to discuss mental health issues because of the social stigma associated with it… They fear social isolation, prejudice, and other negative consequences and prefer to keep their problems only to themselves. 

Unfortunately, poor mental health often leads to issues like anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and even suicide in extreme cases. They impact the ability of an individual to carry on their daily activities.

Education is so important at this point to improving mental health. But it must come from expert speakers who can clearly explain mental health meaning, symptoms, and ways to cope with these issues. Speakers play an important role in breaking stigmas and cultivating a supportive community these days.

In this blog, you will learn about the benefits of approaching mental health through expert speakers.

Understanding Mental Health

This can be confusing for anyone, because of the many definitions and the growing list of conditions and their symptoms. Also, cognitive issues are not as evident as physical symptoms, and that is why it is hard to spot both for the person suffering from it as well as others. But, just because these symptoms are not evident, it doesn't mean they don't exist.

Experts in this space are on top of the ever-changing definitions and can provide the accurate meaning of what constitutes a mental disorder and condition. Such expert insights can motivate people to evaluate if they have any of the mentioned symptoms, and if yes, they can start treating them early.

Removing the Stigma of Mental Health Problems

Mental health problems have a stigma attached to it. Right from the Middle Ages, when people with mental disorders were misbehaved, to modern days, mental health is one of the least understood aspects of holistic well-being. Much of this poor awareness stems from a fear of the unknown, which is why people.

Organizations like companies, educational institutions, and others must take steps to sensitize everyone on this issue so there is a greater acceptance for people suffering from mental conditions. A good way to sensitize all organizational stakeholders is to organize sessions where experts can discuss these issues. When information comes from experts, there's a greater propensity for people to accept and act on them.

Mental Health Problems

Limited Understanding of the Causes

Currently, we know that mental health can involve changes in thinking, feelings, and behavior, making it difficult for an individual to function at optimal levels. Though scientists have ascertained that these changes happen due to changes in the brain's structure, chemistry, and function, there are still gaps in understanding the factors that cause the above changes. Some research also shows that there can be a biological aspect to mental illnesses. To add to it, some issues related to the brain, like epilepsy, Parkinson's, and multiple sclerosis, are neurological and not mental, though the lines between these categories are blurring. 

Given this ever-evolving space, every individual can't stay on top of every new finding or framework; this is where experts come in. Due to their passion for the subject, the nature of their work, interactions with researchers, and other factors, these experts can offer the latest developments in this space. 

As a result, they can shed more light on mental health and how these issues can be addressed. 

The Universality of the Issue

If you are an employer, you should know that some of your employees may experience mental health issues, it is so normal. For example, an employee concerned about her sick child may feel anxious until they reach home to be with her child again. 

On the other end, there could be an employee facing a chronic anxiety disorder that can last for months until it is identified and treated. When you compare the two cases, the intensity of the issue and its duration differ. But the productivity of these employees goes down for a certain period, proving that focusing on mental health at work is important for an employee's well-being.

The same applies to educational institutions, cultural organizations, family groups, and gatherings. Those in charge need to lead the way by discussing it according to their respective groups and providing the required support framework individuals may need to recover from.

What Can You Do?

Mental Health Meaning

As discussed earlier, mental health problems have a profound impact, though they are hard to spot. Mental health has multiple consequences, including:

  • Loss of productivity at work.
  • Low learning outcomes in educational institutions.
  • Poor relationships with co-workers.
  • Inability to focus
  • Frequent absenteeism.
  • Low confidence and self-esteem.
  • Suicide, in extreme cases, when untreated.

To avoid these consequences, organizations must provide support that people can rely on, so they can manage their mental issues. The first step towards this support system is an introduction to mental health. In particular, bringing in speakers to talk about identifying problems and the steps they can take to address them would be an excellent first step.

An Exploration with Inspirational Speakers

Mental health issues can weaken people and, in turn, can impact their ability to function. As an organization, you can create awareness about mental health issues backed by a support system to help your people reach out when they notice any symptoms. Our expert speakers can explore mental health issues, symptoms, and the likely actions individuals and organizations can take to handle this growing problem.

Experts in psychology, therapy, and personal development, these mental health speakers present a range of viewpoints. They exchange insights, evidence-based methods, and mental health techniques. Their seminars address resilience building, stress management, and cultivating an optimistic outlook. Attending talks by mental health experts lowers the stigma attached to mental health problems by educating listeners and encouraging empathy.

We represent well-known and inspirational Mental Health Speakers across the globe. Consider booking a mental health speaker for any event you're planning, whether for a company, a group of individuals interested in mental health, or something else entirely. Speakers on mental health come from various fields and use their expertise to improve people's lives. 

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