What else will shape the year? Our global economy speakers offer insights to prepare your finances, establish contingency plans, and navigate the year for financial success.
2024 is here and the world is set to change even more rapidly than before. AI has already taken the world by storm, however, regulations around AI are still in the works. The EU has put forward some regulations on AI, saying that they aim to show the world how AI can and should be regulated. But other than AI, what will affect 2024?
Our global economy speakers can take you through everything you need to know about the world in 2024. Prepare your finances, set aside a contingency fund or know exactly what you can do to come out of the year financially ahead, with the help of our global economy speakers.
The world ahead Economist predictions suggest that 2024 will be a difficult year for those who believe in liberal democracy. They say that while in theory it appears that liberal democrats will have a good year, in practice the opposite will happen. For the UK, this means that the conservatives will have a more positive year, as far as the political outlook is concerned.
As far as global politics is concerned, there is a need to end global insecurity. There is war and aggression on two fronts in the world. These are in Ukraine and Gaza, and they have made it evident that there's an element of insecurity as far as global politics is concerned. There is a need to focus on peace and negotiations, to prevent further escalations in different parts of the world. People in the UK are still far away from political strife and unrest, there's still need to raise voices to promote peace.
The Economist suggests that peace could be restored to the Middle East, however it won't be easy. At the same time, Europe should consider standing up in solidarity for Ukraine. This is as if the strife in Ukraine continues, then they may no longer be able to rely on American support. The global changes coming up in 2024 will shape various parts of people's lives.
News of an impending recession has been haunting Western countries for around a year now. Top economists predicted that the US would enter a period of recession starting in 2023. While the US was able to avoid a recession in 2023, that doesn't mean that a recession still isn't on the way.
In 2023, the US saw their economy accelerate. Europe has also seen great success in 2023. While they were earlier reliant on gas from Russia, they have by now largely removed the need to rely on Russia for gas. This was done without it affecting the EU's economy negatively in any significant way. Fears of large scale unemployment were also cast aside as people continued to have jobs, earn well, and be capable of supporting themselves and their families. The UK, the US and the EU have all made it through 2023 without there being significant changes to their economy, and the lifestyles of their peoples.
People had jobs because labour markets had cooled. This was done not by shedding actual jobs but by shedding vacancies. Economists who believed there would be a soft landing of the economy at the end of 2023 have started celebrating, but what does this mean for 2024?
There are already talks of a recession affecting the Western countries in 2024. However, this time there is an optimism among global leaders who think that there is a chance to stave off the recession. Global business leaders have started adopting AI solutions.
AI is expected to take over several jobs in the future. Perhaps not as early as 2024, but the world is certainly looking at a future where AI and robots become more common.
ChatGPT was released for the first time in 2022, following which it became a sensation, being used by people and businesses across the world. In just two months, more than 100 million users had tried their hands at using generative AI. More and more people are learning about artificial intelligence, and what it can do for their lives. What investors and entrepreneurs are actually looking at, when it comes to generative AI, is what it can do for businesses.
In 2024, expect not just more discussions around AI and how ethical AI use is, but also expect more regulations on how AI should be used. There is a delicate balance between using AI and ensuring that people aren't out of jobs. 2024 is when governments and organizations will take time to learn about and deliberate on AI.
Global changes in the world in 2024 will be unlike anything seen in recent times. Technological advances have made it such that businesses and nations now have no precedent or regulations to look at, when trying to understand AI. The disruptive change speakers from Speaker Agency can help you learn more about what you can do to prepare yourself for 2024. Learn what changes are ahead and what you can do to stay on top of the global changes coming in 2024.