Why Work with a Speaker Bureau?

The rules of business are being rewritten in code. In order to grow and future proof themselves, corporations have to keep up with the latest trends and technologies, collaborate with experts and consequentially expand their vision.

  • Release Date: 12 March 2022
  • Update Date: 21 May 2024
  • Author: Speaker Agency
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In the same way; in order to bring the best out of your teams, to inspire and motivate them; it is a great idea to invest in their personal/ professional growth. A quick and efficient way to do this is by inviting experts and professional speakers to your events. Working with experts through keynotes, workshops or consultations you can tap into their expertise and bring your teams up-to speed with the leaders in their fields.

This is where we come in. With our carefully curated portfolio of speakers, all experts in their own chosen field, we are able to provide professional speakers for seminars, kick-offs and workshops. All tailor-made to suit your specific team’s needs and end vision. By working with Speaker Agency you can transform your year-end, quarterly and vision meetings, making them interesting, vision expanding and add great outcome driven value.

In these blog posts we will aim to talk about the specific advantages that working with a speaker bureau will bring you, your workforce and ultimately your company as a whole.

Personal Experience Speaks Louder than Bullet Points

Knowing something and putting that knowledge into use are two very different phenomena. For an idea to turn into action, often what is needed is a catalyst.

Take the idea of healthy diet for instance. How do we put the idea of healthy diet into action? Especially when we are faced with temptation? How do we align our attitudes with our actions? Listening to personal accounts, success and failure stories can be the catalyst for us to change our actions. It could be a dietician who explains the why’s and how’s of healthy living, giving examples from their practise. Or it may be someone whose weight related health issues have disappeared following adopting a healthy diet. Personal experience always speaks louder than formulas and bullet points.

Inspire Your Team!

Perspective. Motivation. Out of the box thinking. All necessary ingredients for innovation and success. Hearing about new trends, technologies and innovations first-hand will have a profoundly inspiring effect on your team. Investment in your team’s continued professional growth will motivate them, translating in higher productivity levels, and better outcomes for the company.


Motivation is key to success! Shareholder meetings, vision meetings, yearly and quarterly gatherings serve that very purpose: to create synergy and motivation. A motivational speaker will help make your event memorable, pass on their invaluable knowledge and experience, ultimately adding value to your organisation and your team.


Organising events is no mean feat! Choosing the right speaker and topics amongst many might appear confusing and time consuming. This is where we come in. Give us a brief and let us know your end target. We will be more than happy to provide you with the best speakers, create a specific programme to meet your needs and add maximum value to your organisation and event.

Get in Touch

Our professional speakers are experts and opinion leaders in their specific fields. With tight schedules and demands on their time, they are often hard to reach. Working with a professional speaker agency bridges the gap between you and the speaker, allowing you to reach out to the right speakers with the right expertise quickly.

Tailor Made Solutions

Organisational culture and team dynamics vary from company to company. We find this fascinating and working with you, we will endeavour to understand your company culture and pinpoint specific growth routes to be able to offer you the best speakers. Who in turn will help transform your teams’ vision.

A Wealth of Topics

Topics for an event are usually determined by the event’s concept, the organisational culture, or your teams’ requirements. Whether it is a workshop, seminar or a training session. Whether it’s business themed (digital transformation, fintech, AI, economy) or personal/ wellbeing themed (mindfulness, music, sports, comedy…) by working with our agency, you will receive a personalised service in procuring the best speakers for your event.

A Global Portfolio of Professional Speakers

Whether you are organising a small local affair or a gigantic multinational gathering, a professional Speaker Agency such as ours will help you access leading speakers, catalysts and change makers from across the globe.

Rest Assured!

We can provide tailor made solutions for your organisation’s specific needs. With our global portfolio of speakers, all recognised leaders in their fields, we are confident that we can provide the right speaker for your event.

Please get in touch and rest assured that we will do our very best to source the right expert to meet your teams’ needs.

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