Future of Education Speakers

Future of Education Speakers

The Speakers Agency, The Future of Education Speakers present a new vision with speeches covering every aspect of education, from teaching to learning, educational methods and more.

Ben Lindsay OBE New
Ben Lindsay OBE CEO and Founder, Power The Fight | Best Selling Author Charity Times Rising Leader Of The Year 2022 | PhD Candidate at Durham University
  • Community & Social Action
  • Violence Affecting Young People
  • Youth Sector
Catherine Knibbs New
Catherine Knibbs Human Behaviour Technologist
  • Why we do what we do online (needs and e-ttachment), healthy development in a world of technology
  • Cybersecurity and the human who ‘humans’ (why mistakes are really made), addiction is not the answer, tech is not the cure
  • Porn viewing in children and young people: why it’s not use or consumption
Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon New
Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon Keynote Speaker, Author, Social Entrepreneur and Podcast Host
  • The Tech Landscape and Why Tech Needs Diversity
  • Using Social Media to Your Advantage
  • A.I. & The Future of Work
Dr. Ayesha Khanna
Dr. Ayesha Khanna Futurist, AI Expert, Philanthropist Co-Founder & CEO ADDO AI, Chairman 21st Century Girls
  • Winning with AI: How Innovative Leaders Drive Growth?
  • The Future of Work: How to Amplify Human Potential in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Smart Cities 2.0: The Future of How We Will Work, Play and Live
Dr. Hannah Fry New
Dr. Hannah Fry Professor of Mathematics | Science Presenter | All Around Badass
  • AI
  • Technology
  • Big Data
Dr. Michael Bloomfield New
Dr. Michael Bloomfield Global Speaker on Creativity | Anthropologist | Creator of CreativeBeing App | Artist | Semiotician
  • Why leaders need creativity
  • Embedding creativity in your culture
  • Creativity for mental health & wellbeing
Ella Podmore MBE New
Ella Podmore MBE IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year 2020 | McKinsey NGWL 2022 | Surrey 40 Under 40 Winner
  • Fail Fast, Learn Quicker!
  • The Future is STEM
  • Life in the Fast Lane
Jim Carroll
Jim Carroll World’s Leading Global Futurist
  • AI Megatrends: Beyond ChatGPT How AI is Redefining Your Industry, Profession, Company and Career - And What You Need To Do About It!
  • ChatGPT, The Acceleration of Artificial Intelligence and the Arrival of the Personalized Knowledge Butler Promise and Peril in The Next Technological Transformation
  • The Jetsons Have Arrived 50 Years Early: What Are YOU Going to Do About It?
Linda Liukas
Linda Liukas Author and Illustrator of Hello Ruby
  • Innovation & Design
  • Programming & AI
  • Education
Louis Weinstock New
Louis Weinstock Award Winning Social Entrepreneur | Author | Psychotherapist
  • Digital Technology and Mental Health
  • Designing Games for Good
  • Redefining Success
Manisha Tailor MBE New
Manisha Tailor MBE Author, Speaker, Educator
  • Aspirations (Overcoming Adversity)
  • Resilience
  • Anti-Racism
Mariam Naseem New
Mariam Naseem Polar & Planetary Researcher | Consultant | Tech Strategist | Business Development | Engineer | Space Advocate
  • Space Exploration
  • Planetary Science
  • Astrobiology
Mariano Sigman New
Mariano Sigman Global TED Speaker - Neuroscientist and Author
  • Neuroscience of human decisions
  • Learning and transformation
  • Armed group operation and leadership
Natalie Costa New
Natalie Costa Parent Coach and Confidence Coach for Children
  • Navigating big emotions and building deeper connections with your child
  • Helping your child navigate worry and anxiety
  • Boosting your child’s motivation helping them develop a growth mindset
Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey Futurist
  • Your Business in 2030
  • Thomas Frey Unplugged – Future Trend Briefings
  • Future of Healthcare
Tumi Sotire New
Tumi Sotire International speaker| A2i Dyslexia Best Dyspraxia Advocate 2021| Dyspraxic Foundation Mary Colley Award| Featured in Forbes| Board Advisory for Centre for Neurodiversity at Work Birbeck| Neurodiversity in Business Co-Production Board Member| Future Advisory Board for The Diverse Creative CIC| Community Board member for Noetic Health

Hire Leading Future of Education Speakers 

Education is a constantly evolving field, and staying up-to-date with the  latest real world trends. Innovations in the education system are essential for educators, administrators, and policy makers.

Experts in the field of education can provide valuable insight and inspiration. One way to hear from them is by attending speaker events. These speakers have dedicated their careers to advancing education and shaping the future of learning.

At the Speaker Agency, we connect you with speakers who are at the forefront of education.

Hiring these speakers for your next event is a great way of offering fresh perspectives and innovative ideas about teaching standards.  These perspectives and innovative ideas can transform the way we think about teaching, learning and learning styles. Learning these valuable insights will help educators better understand students' learning styles, their learning objectives and effective teaching methods. 

How future of education speech can help transform your event 

There are several reasons why you should consider hiring future of education speakers for your event:

Stay ahead of the curve. Speakers who specialize in the future of education can provide valuable insights into emerging trends and technologies. By booking a future of education speaker, you can stay ahead of the curve. You can position your organization as a thought leader in the field.

Spark innovation. Future of education speakers can inspire and motivate your audience to think differently about traditional education models.  They can  explore new ways of educational methods,  teaching and professional  learning. 

They spark different points of views for the future of education technology. They can provide fresh perspectives and ideas. They can help spark innovation in your organization both for small groups and large groups. 

In this talk, Cory Henwood, creator of @LaunchHS and a pioneer in the field of education. He suggests that we need to revamp our conventional educational principles to prevent the disastrous automation of education.

Drive engagement: Speakers who specialize in the future of education can help drive engagement and participation at your event. They can deliver dynamic, interactive presentations that encourage audience participation and create a memorable experience for attendees. They can provide insights on inquiry based learning, teaching methodologies and game based learning. 

Customize the message. Many future of education speakers are experts in specific areas of education, such as STEAM education or personalized learning. This means you can select a speaker who aligns with your event’s goals. You can customize the message to suit your specific needs.

If your focus is on addressing youth violence or making the learning environment more culturally sensitive. You can  hire future of education speakers such as Ben Lindsay OBE is the right strategy.

Ben specializes in empowering communities and his organization has trained several practitioners in developing an in-depth understanding of youth violence.

Address pressing issues. With the education landscape rapidly evolving, it's essential to stay informed about the latest developments and challenges facing the industry.

Future of education speakers can address pressing issues such as the impact of AI and automation on education and the workforce. They also talk about the importance of lifelong learning and highlight new ways of imparting education.

One of our leading future of education speakers is Linda Liukas. As a keynote speaker she talks about leveraging the three principles of play to teach programming skills to children. Encouraging students to be more curious about technology. 

Popular topics in the field of education 

Here are some popular topics covered by future of education speakers:

  • Emerging technologies and their impact on education
  • Personalized learning and adaptive learning platforms
  • The future of work and its implications for education
  • Redefining the role of teachers in the classroom
  • The changing landscape of higher education
  • Changing approaches to teaching
  • Edtech and its role in transforming education
  • The importance of lifelong learning and upskilling
  • The impact of AI and automation on education and the workforce
  • The future of education policy and its impact on students and educators

The background and expertise of Speaker Agency's future of education speakers

At the Speaker Agency, we pride ourselves on representing the top experts in the field of education and emerging technologies. Our carefully curated selection of future of education speakers boasts impressive backgrounds. They have diverse areas of expertise, making them uniquely qualified to share insights on the latest trends and innovations in education

Linda Liukas

Linda Liukas is a passionate advocate for making technology more accessible and inclusive. She is  passionate about making technology accessible especially for young children who are just starting to explore the world of programming.

She founded Rails Girls, an organisation that conducts workshops to teach programming to women across 231 cities.

Liukas has been recognized for her contributions to the tech industry and her work in promoting coding education for young people. She has given keynote speeches at events such as TEDx. She has won several awards including The Young Speaker of the Year award in Finland. Her TED talk has garnered over 1.5 million views!

Her inspiring talks cover many topics. Some of these topics are ways to instill creativity and wonder in kids and enable them to build a better world.

Thomas Frey

Thomas Frey is recognised as one of the top futurist speakers. He has the unique ability to describe the opportunities that the future can bring in different industries including education.

He founded the DaVinci Institute. It is a non-profit institute that hosts futurist events and educational boot camps in addition to brainstorming sessions.

Prior to this, Frey worked as a designer and engineer at IBM where he received more than 270 awards.

Frey has spent over three decades studying the trends and developments that are shaping our world. His studies include artificial intelligence, robotics, education, transportation, nano technology, and bio technology.

He has written extensively on these topics and has been featured in numerous publications. Some of these publications are New York Times, Huffington Post, Forbes, and The World Economic Forum. 

Get in touch with us to book future of education speakers

If you're interested in booking a future of education speaker for your event.  You can contact us several ways to get in touch with us.

For bookings in Europe, the UK, and the rest of the world: 

Call us at +44 (0) 20 3393 1061


Email us at

For bookings in Turkey and the MEA:

Call us at +90 212 401 35 45


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You can also fill out the contact form on our website.

We're always happy to discuss your event and help you find the perfect speaker to inspire and educate your audience.

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